Dr. Jennifer Keitt

CEO | Professional Communicator | Credible Expert | Transformational Coach

Jennifer is on a mission to build leaders people actually want to follow

Jennifer's Story

Jennifer has empowered millions of people across the nation as one of the most powerful voices in radio


Keitt Institute Co-Founder and CEO

Professional Communicator

Anyone can speak – not everyone can communicate in an engaging and effective way.

Media Veteran


Shows Broadcast
0 +

Renowned Host


Interviews Conducted
0 +

Engaging Host


Listeners Worldwide
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Customized Presentations

Presentations aren’t about the speaker – they’re about the audience

Credible Expert

Building leaders the world needs through high-powered, engaging, research-driven experiences that help people flourish in life.

Human Behavior Consultant

Certified Life Coach

Doctor of Educational Psychology

Emotionally Intelligent Living

Our world is in desperate need of emotional health and stability, and we want to help you. Why? Because emotional intelligence is one of the most important yet underrated skills that can help you flourish in life. Take this journey with us as we help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and others to become emotionally intelligent people who thrive!

Brands Jennifer Has Partnered With

Appearances | Features | Clients